
Notice on 2024 China International Coatings Summit

   2024-03-06 中国涂料工业协会499
摘要:Zhengzhou City, Henan Province on March 26-28, 2024

Z. T. X. (2024) X. Z. No. 008

  All coatings, pigments and painting enterprises/research institutes, local coatings associations, institutions of higher learning and related organizations,

  As the national economy stabilizes and improves and the internal development momentum of the economy continues to grow, the Chinese coatings industry, after withstanding the daunting challenges from multiple risks both at home and abroad, will usher in a new period of development opportunities. To implement the new development philosophy in depth, unswervingly propel Chinese modernization, effectively promote the Chinese coatings industry’s robust green recovery, enhance confidence in the industry, accelerate the building of a new development pattern for the whole Chinese coatings industry chain, and boost the Chinese coatings industry’s green, low-carbon and high-quality development, China National Coatings Industry Association has decided to hold the “2024 China International Coatings Summit” in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province on March 26-28, 2024.

  China International Coatings Summit, the largest important conference for the coatings industry and industry chain, has been held successfully six times since 2018, attracting over 1,000 attendants from governments, enterprises and upstream and downstream industry chains. The event will feature authoritative interpretations of the latest industry policies, in-depth analysis of the industry’s economic performance, accurate predictions of macroeconomic development, deep insights into the global coatings market, discussions on industry transformation and upgrading, and sharing of enterprises’ paths to sustainable development.

  Zhengzhou located at China’s central region is an important cradle of the Chinese civilization and a Chinese central city being constructed at a fast pace with advantages in terms of strategy combination, location, inland opening up, industrial foundation, history and culture, and human resources. In recent years, relying on its favorable location, resource endowments, industrial foundation, and development environment, Zhengzhou entered the fast track of quality improvement and upgrade. This coatings summit will provide new development opportunities for coatings upstream and downstream enterprises to occupy the commanding height of development, propel the building of Zhengzhou into an advanced manufacturing and opening up highland, and promote the Chinese central city’s quality improvement and upgrade. Now the related matters are notified as follows:

  I. Theme of the summit

  Steady advancement, quality and efficiency improvement, efforts for breakthroughs

  II. Organizers: China National Coatings Industry Association

  Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government

  Undertaken by: Gongyi Municipal People’s Government

  China Coatings Magazine Co., Ltd.

  III. Main contents of the summit

  Part 1 Opening speeches

  ◆Leader of China National Coatings Industry Association

  ◆Leader of government

  ◆Leader of Chinese ministry/commission

  ◆Leader of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation

  ◆Leader of co-organizer

  Part 2 Policy interpretations, guiding the industry’s new development

  ◆Interpretation of the Central Economic Work Conference, the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference annual sessions, and the latest national economic policies

  ◆Interpretation of related industry development incentive policies by the National Development and Reform Commission

  ◆Interpretation of industry policies related to coatings industry development by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  ◆Interpretation of the latest related environmental protection policies by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment

  ◆Interpretation of the latest related quality and standard policies by the State Administration for Market Regulation

  Part 3 Industry analysis, envisioning the industry’s new trends

  ◆Chinese coatings industry’s economic performance in 2023 and analysis of 2024 trends

  ◆Chinese petroleum and chemical industry’s development, its influence on the coatings industry, and opportunities

  ◆Global coatings market development report

  ◆Asian coatings market development report

  Part 4 Consensus building, creating a new pattern of high-quality development together

  ◆High-quality development and plans of leading enterprises

  ◆Sharing of low-carbon sustainable development by well-known enterprises

  ◆Sharing of global development by key enterprises

  ◆Sharing of technological innovation strategies by key enterprises

  Part 5 Downstream analysis, expanding new development opportunities

  ◆Chinese real estate development and its influence on the coatings industry

  ◆Analysis of the Chinese light industry’s key fields and demand for coatings

  ◆Chinese petroleum and chemical equipment development and demand for coatings

  ◆New opportunities brought by the Chinese new energy vehicle industry’s development for related coatings industry development

  ◆Chinese medical appliance industry’s development and demand for coatings

  Part 6 Technological innovation, new materials and new processes, supporting the industry’s new development

  ◆Titanium dioxide and emulsion industry’ development and its influence on the coatings industry

  ◆Application of new materials in the fields of resins, pigments and additives and technology sharing

  ◆Digital intelligent technology sharing

  ◆Green painting innovation and technology sharing

  IV. Participants

  1. Leaders of related Chinese ministries/commissions, experts and academicians;

  2. Persons-in-charge of related local governments and industry parks;

  3. Coatings, pigments and raw materials production enterprises, equipment manufacturing enterprises, painting enterprises, dealers, and related enterprises;

  4. Coatings downstream users and enterprises;

  5. Provincial and municipal coatings associations, and coatings upstream and downstream industry associations;

  6. Related institutions of higher learning and research institutes;

  7. Related media, etc.

  V. Conference schedule and venue

  1. Conference schedule

  March 26 whole day


  March 26 afternoon

  3rd Meeting of the 9th Standing Council of CNCIA

  3rd Meeting of the 9th Council of CNCIA

  3rd Meeting of the 1st Supervisory Board of CNCIA

  Council Meeting of CNCIA Equipment Branch

  Meeting with government leaders

  March 27 morning

  Opening ceremony

  Signing ceremony, release ceremony

  Keynote speeches

  March 27 afternoon

  Keynote speeches

  Supply-demand docking conference

  March 28 08:30-16:00

  Keynote speeches and survey tour

  March 28 16:00


  2. Conference venue

  Place: Huanghe State Guesthouse of Henan

  Address: No.1 Yingbin Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

  3. Pick-up location

  Zhengzhou Xinzheng Airport

  VI. Concurrent meetings

  3rd Meeting of the 9th Standing Council of CNCIA

  3rd Meeting of the 9th Council of CNCIA

  3rd Meeting of the 1st Supervisory Board of CNCIA

  Council Meeting of CNCIA Equipment Branch

  VII. Fees and registration methods

  The method of online registration and online registration fee payment is adopted for this summit. The details are as follows:

  1.    Registration fee

  Registration fee: 800 yuan/person; preferential registration fee for those who register and make payment before March 10: 600 yuan/person.

  Accommodation fee: no accommodation fee for delegates (two nights, room shared by two; the single supplement being 600 yuan/person).

  Meal fee: no meal fee for the period of this summit.

  2. Registration methods

  (1) online registration: scan the QR code for online registration and make online payment.


(QR code for registration and payment)

  (2) Fill out the conference return and send it to

  If the mode of bank transfer is selected for registration fee payment, please complete bank transfer before March 22, 2024. The bank account information is as follows:

  Opening bank: ICBC Beijing Liupukang Sub-branch

  Account name: China National Coatings Industry Association

  Account number: 0200022309014431804

  VIII. Contact persons

  Ding Yanmei  13683517455     Liu Jie  13810161256

  Zhao Zhongguo  13717589022     Qi Xiangzhao  17622520752

  Fan Sen  13521703612     Xu Yan  13911991272

  Zhang Weihang  13426293752     Li Li  13581567188

  Niu Changrui  13366150895     Wang Zhen  18548905456

  Tel: 010-62256821/67605676/62253382/67607320


China National Coatings Industry Association

February 28, 2024

  doc file 2024 China International Coatings Summit Return.doc

2024 China International Coatings Summit Return

2024 China Internatio<i></i>nal Coatings Summit Return

E-mail:           Return must be sent before March 22, 2024

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